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Accdon partners with the Society of Thoracic Surgeons on video series


December 2022 | Boston:

We are proud to announce that Accdon-LetPub has a new annual partnership to create a new video series, Annals Animated, for the authors of the Annals of Thoracic Surgery. This collaboration is a tremendous opportunity to create a visual experience for the work published in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery. This series will be designed and produced by the Accdon brand Research Creative.

Research Creative is a full-service scientific design studio with an expansive content-creation infrastructure. The brand offers solutions to maximize the impact and exposure of scientific messaging with accuracy, transparency and integrity. We collaborate with various stakeholders including scientists, publishers and journals, academic institutions and societies, policymakers and industry leaders, and the general public.

Dr. Clark Holdsworth, Senior Manager of Partnerships & Communications at Accdon commented on this partnership:

"We're excited to be launching this series for the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. This is a big moment for us, as it is our first direct referral on a video series from another of our partners. It's such an incredible moment for us to see these high-level content series being shared by word of mouth among the scholarly publishing community. Hopefully, this trend is a turning point for widespread adoption of video content among journals and publishers."

About Society of Thoracic Surgeons |
Founded in 1964, The Society of Thoracic Surgeons is a not-for-profit organization representing more than 7,600 cardiothoracic surgeons, researchers, and allied health care professionals worldwide who are dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes for surgeries of the heart, lung, and esophagus, as well as other surgical procedures within the chest. The Society’s mission is to advance cardiothoracic surgeons’ delivery of the highest quality patient care through collaboration, education, research, and advocacy.

About Accdon, LLC| |
LetPub, the flagship professional editing brand of Accdon LLC, is the only author services company headquartered in the Boston area. LetPub helps authors from around the world publish and share their research. LetPub’s language and scientific editors are leaders in their fields, teach at top American universities, and hold editing certifications such as Board of Editors in the Life Sciences certifications. LetPub editors specialize in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental sciences, geology, humanities, material science, mathematics, medicine, physics, social sciences, and more. LetPub provides expert English editing and research communication services as well as editorial support packages for journals, academic societies, and publishers. To find out more about our expert services and to get a quote visit

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