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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service
Brand Localization
Brand Localization

LetPub provides editorial, publishing, and business-development related services to the Chinese scientific community, and also functions as a key opinion leader sought by the Chinese scientific governance, such as the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Our Journal Selector Tool is widely used by Chinese researchers with an average of 12 million views per month and is ranked as one of the most popular websites in the Chinese research community. Presentation of our institutional knowledge—at both in-country events and online webinars—regularly receives thousands of registrants.

What is Brand Localization?

Brand localization is vital for aligning your author messaging across native websites, social media, and in-person events. The Chinese scientific market requires expert knowledge of Chinese-language site development and utilization of WeChat. Brand localization is dependent on the experience and success demonstrated by LetPub, which has greater than 100,000 WeChat followers—tens of thousands more than any of our marketing competitors.

WeChat Development

Extensive experience utilizing WeChat, and our own WeChat presence (100,000+ followers) far exceeds others in the scholarly communications industry:

WeChat account setup and daily operation

Building followers via LetPub’s existing popularity on WeChat

Development of mini-tools: surveys, call for papers, and conferences

User support for inquiries (in both Chinese and English)

Chinese Language Microsite

We work closely with leading scholarly publishers and societies to develop Chinese microsites:

Translation of your site and hosting on a .cn domain

Translating author guidelines and other docs

Search engine optimization for the most popular regional search engines

Author Education Seminars

Author Education Seminars

LetPub regularly collaborates with Chinese research institutions to educate authors and provide exposure to international publishers:

Recruiting key opinion leaders for speaking opportunities in China

Chinese event and webinar organization and hosting

Chinese Conference & Exhibition Support

Chinese Conference & Exhibition Support

In-country, Chinese-language staff can coordinate conference or exhibition attendance for your organization:

Recommendation of Chinese conferences and exhibitions for attendance

Representation and feedback collection from attendees on your behalf

Exhibition design and distribution of Chinese language marketing materials

Regional Email and Telemarketing

In-country, Chinese-language marketing staff can provide direct marketing via China-specific channels:

Targeted digital marketing campaigns via Chinese media channels

Calls for papers on popular Chinese researcher tools, websites and platforms

Drafting Chinese-language press releases

Chinese translation of marketing materials

China Customer Support

Our LetPub Customer Service Center in Shanghai can be utilized as a local customer support team:

Effective management of incoming inquiries

Management/expansion of relationships with local libraries, vendors, and suppliers

Generation of leads and customer account reports

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