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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service

LetPub is a US-based firm of current and former academics. We know that researchers want to make evidence-based decisions regarding there work and careers. Please review the content here for extensive testimonials, acknowledgements, and working samples of our quality and credibility within the publishing community. If you need additional information to make an informed decision, please contact our staff immediately to discuss your potential project.

See Acknowledgements on Google Scholar

Customer Testimonials 1422

Language Editing Certificate

Many international journals advise all non-native speakers of English to have their work edited for language by a native speaker before submission.

To avoid delays, submit a certificate to the journal indicating that you have already had your work professionally edited.

language editing certification    language editing certification
language editing certification

Successful Client Publications

Excerpts from Scientific Editing

LetPub Scientific Editing Sample, Immunoblotting
LetPub Scientific Editing Sample, Abstract
LetPub Scientific Editing Sample, Quality Assurance, Abstract

Excerpts from Language Editing

LetPub Language Editing Sample, Quality Assurance, Abstract
LetPub Language Editing Sample, Satellite Observations Characterize Climate Change Feedback for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway Infrastructure
LetPub Language Editing Sample, Quality Assurance, Abstract

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