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Career Assets

Publishing Resources You Should Know About


Dr. Avriel Licciardi, Research Communications Strategist

March 2021

Top-quality publications, maximized scientific reach, and notable contributions to the international scientific community are at the forefront of every academic’s mind. Realizing these ambitions is challenging, and therefore it is important for scientists to be aware of useful tools and publishing resources, some of which are available for free. After all, the decisions you make about your research and manuscripts affect their ultimate impact, which in turn, influence your career trajectory.

This article is meant to provide researchers with assistance in identifying author-focused resources, as well as tips for utilizing these publishing industry-provided assets. We encourage authors to seek resources from journal or publisher websites, valuable industry connections, content platforms, or author service providers. Read on to learn more about readily available resources that can assist you in achieving your publishing and career goals, no matter your research field.

What resources, and where do I find them?

Publisher/journal websites: Many publishers and/or journals provide author resources directly through their websites. For example, Elsevier’s Author Hub provides authors with information including up-to-date submission guidelines for Elsevier-family journals, COVID-19 updates in publishing, and a free e-learning platform, called Researcher Academy, which covers topics of interest including peer review, funding, and effectively communicating your science.
Wiley and Hindawi also provide authors with free publishing resources, focusing on educating researchers on all aspects of the publication journey (prepare, publish, and promote), in addition to publication ethics, open access and licensing, and the peer review process.
Finding publishing resources can be simple. Start by entering the name of the publisher you’re interested in (e.g., SAGE) and the phrase “author resources” into your preferred search engine, and you should be directed to a good starting point. Remember, resources include everything from free templates to streamline the peer review process, such as those for MDPI journals, to applications and information for becoming top-notch peer reviewers (e.g., Hindawi).
Author service providers: Author services companies, such as LetPub, also provide valuable—and often free—educational resources for researchers. For example, via the LetPub Learning Nexus, authors can access numerous free articles and reference materials covering all issues in scientific publishing, in addition to free monthly webinars. We recommend perusing the websites of various author services providers to explore their content.
Networking platforms: Not only do content platforms provide up-to-date information on industry trends, but authors can use academia-focused platforms, such as Peeref and ResearchGate, to communicate directly with other researchers regarding current or past publishing experiences. Further, publishers, universities, and author service companies often use social media to promote calls for papers, upcoming conferences or employment opportunities, or service discounts (e.g., language editing for manuscripts); thus, staying connected virtually is a must.

Service arrangements provide opportunities for authors

Finally, many publishers partner with author service companies to provide authors with discounts on manuscript preparation and post-publication promotion services. At first glance, these arrangements may appear strictly business; however, these partnerships and subsequent service promotions put the author first. In other words, these companies work together to assist authors in publishing their research and increasing their impact with more affordable service options.

How do you find these promotions? Subscribe to publisher or author service company emails to not only receive information on service discounts, but to also keep updated on all other author resources such as educational webinars or new service offerings.

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