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Studia z Polityki Publicznej - The Journal of Public Policy Press Release


March 5, 2021 | BOSTON:

We are proud to announce that LetPub, the flagship professional editing brand of Boston-based Accdon LLC, will be providing a full suite of editorial and research communication services for authors of The Journal of Public Policy (Studia z Polityki Publicznej), a Polish-based journal. As The Journal of Public Policy (Studia z Polityki Publicznej) expands its audience, they will leverage LetPub’s robust author services expertise to provide editorial support to their authors. The Journal of Public Policy (Studia z Polityki Publicznej) recommends LetPub to their authors with full confidence that editorial support at the submission stage will improve submission quality, and ultimately lead to more impactful publications.

LetPub looks forward to supporting The Journal of Public Policy (Studia z Polityki Publicznej) in its mission to expand its reach abroad, increase the quality of its submissions and publications, and aid authors in public policy studies.

About LetPub |
LetPub, the flagship editorial brand of Accdon LLC, is the only author services company headquartered in the Boston area. LetPub helps authors from around the world publish and share their research. LetPub’s language and scientific editors are leaders in their fields, teach at top American universities, and hold industry-leading credentials such as the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences certification. LetPub editors specialize in biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, environmental sciences, geology, humanities, material science, mathematics, medicine, physics, social sciences, and more. LetPub provides expert English editing and research communication services as well as editorial support packages for journals, academic societies, and publishers. To find out more about our expert services and to get a quote visit

About Studia z Polityki Publicznej - The Journal of Public Policy Studies |
Studies of Policy, Public / Public Policy Studies is the letter issued since 2014. Editors publishes texts of an academic devoted to the issues broadly defined public policy in its various dimensions. The subject of interest are articles on both the concept or theory of public policy and the issues of sectoral policies. Texts can also be devoted to models and cycles in a given policy (from problem diagnosis to solution evaluation); attitudes, values, and motivations of policy actors (e.g. the role of trust among stakeholders, ability to cooperate); methods of evaluating results in policies; Indicators showing the results of public activities; mechanisms of resource allocation in public action (market and its unreliability, state failure). The editors are also interested in sources influencing the shaping of public policies (e.g. intellectual, sociological and cultural, historical sources), sources of knowledge in selected policies (policy knowledge ), knowledge brokers (expert networks), decision-making processes and styles of action in public policy (unilateral vs. partner actions, problem anticipation vs. reactivity), institutional factors that co-shape public policy (e.g. party systems, parliamentary systems, public administration).

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