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Letpub, Scientific Editing Services, Manuscript Editing Service

A response letter that fully answers all of the journal reviewer questions is an essential step in the manuscript submission process. You may need to outline the significance of your research and justify your work while respectfully addressing issues raised by the reviewers. Composing formal and appropriate replies to editors and reviewers can be as much art as science. The tone and approach to the responses can directly affect the final acceptance and be the difference between publication and rejection.

Our Service

Response Letter Language Editing Service Response Letter Expert Scientific Editing Service
Recommends appropriate words and phrasing, clarifies ambiguous semantic statements, repairs typographical errors, and corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Replaces words and sentences with smoother, clearer, and more formal text as needed.
Improves the quality of the response letter in terms of scientific content, based on the reviewer’s comments and the paper’s content.
Verifies consistency between the changes in the manuscript and the descriptions in the response letter.
Turnaround Time 3 business days Custom
Price $230* Custom**

* Applicable to response letters up to 1500 words. For letters longer than 1500 words, please enter the length of your letter below and the price will be shown in the blue box..
**For Expert Scientific Editing, the original paper must be edited alongside the response letter.

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* If you have more than one file to upload, please compress them into a .zip/.rar file. If the file size is greater than 12 MB, please submit it by email to
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If you have more than one file to upload, please compress them into a .zip/.rar file. If the file size is greater than 12 MB, please submit it by email to
Length of Letter:
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